Wonder of the word blends in with nature

Aishling O’Brien (left), Killarney House, poets Eileen Sheehan and John W Sexton, and Rachel Kavanagh at Killarney House.
Pictures: Valerie O’Sullivan

Nature, wildlife, serenity and poetry proved the perfect combination for two hours of high-quality entertainment in Killarney National Park.

Nikki Wissell, Rachel Kavanagh, Liz Ryan, and Aishling O’Brien

Poetry Day 2023 was held at Killarney House and Gardens and it featured a number of local wordsmiths reading from their own works and sharing their thought with like-mind poetry lovers.

Those whose work featured included Killarney poet Eileen Sheehan and John W Sexton from Kenmare and the event went down a treat by those in attendance who got to soak in the magic of a wonderful wordfest.

Mary Wood, Monika Kipnik and Yuliya Spillane

The staff at Killarney House  celebrated Poetry Day, which included a weekend of workshops and poetry readings to honour and celebrate the legacy and heritage of our poets and writers in the area.

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