Vital funding stream launched for a new year

New year, new fund: Mayor of Kerry Cllr Jim Finucane and Chief Executive of Kerry County Council, Moira Murrell launching the 2024 Community Support Fund.
Picture: Domnick Walsh

Kerry County Council has issued a call for applications for the 2024 Community Support Fund which offers financial assistance to community-based projects and initiatives in Kerry.

The project was launched by the Mayor of Kerry, Cllr Jim Finucane and the Chief Executive of Kerry County Council, Moira Murrell and a total of €750,000 is being made available through this year’s scheme.

The fund, which is now in its 10th year, has supported over 2,877 projects since 2015.

Applications are welcomed from groups in Kerry whose primary focus is the development or promotion of the local community or the development of a project that will benefit a group in the community.

All about communities: Demonstrating great community spirit at the official launch of this year’s Christmas in Killarney Festival were, from left, festival chairman Cllr Niall Kelleher, Bridget O’Keeffe, Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, Cllr Marie Moloney, Mayor of Killarney Cllr Brendan Cronin, Anthony Walsh. Katy Jacobi and Terence Mulcahy, Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce

Applications for funding must come within the definition of one of the following five categories of support:

  1. Connected, Inclusive and Resilient Communities
  2. Community Tidy Town Initiatives, Amenity Projects and Environmentally Sustainable Projects
  3. Community Economic Innovation
  4. Community-based Tourism, Festivals and Events
  5. Community Road Safety Initiatives

“Millions of euro have been distributed to community groups over the past nine years through this vital funding stream,” said Cllr Finucane.

“It has allowed voluntary and community organisations in the county to upgrade community facilities, to support local projects and to enhance existing services. I would encourage voluntary and community groups to apply at the earliest opportunity,” he added.

Details are  available on Kerry County Council’s website and application forms are available for completion online.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Wednesday, 31st January 2024.

Queries should be referred by email to the municipal district which community groups are applying to or by contacting the Community, Arts and Culture Department on 066-7183680.

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