DEDICATED volunteers with the Killarney Cardiac Response Unit were determined to play a very active role in the fight against Covid-19 and they found a very practical way to do so, despite the fall-off in emergency calls.
Instead they devoted their time and talents to making face masks for health professionals and those on the frontline and they produced a reusable, washable and disposable clinical type of mask which was ideal for use.
All funds raised through the novel venture will go to the Killarney Cardiac Response Unit and the cash-strapped air ambulance service.
“We all felt, as a unit, that despite not actively responding to emergency calls during Covid-19, we had a role to play in assisting the local community,” said unit PRO Carol Moran.
“Our community support service and expansion of public access AED were our key priorities but the creation of face masks was a way to engage our members, supply an in-demand product and support lifesaving services,” she said.
The Killarney Cardiac Response Unit responds to 999/112 calls on behalf of and in conjunction with the National Ambulance Service but during Covid-19 the volunteers refocused on community support, the provision of public access AED and offering advice within the community through its social media platforms.
The unit was established in 2015 and volunteer teams have responded to in excess of 800 emergency calls.
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