TWO small rural schools in the Killarney area are to receive funding to participate in an EU Programme aimed at supporting education, training, youth and sport among young people.
Glenflesk NS and Raheen NS, both in the parish of Glenflesk, will be participating in the innovative Erasmus + Programme.

Both schools have teamed up with a school from a town called Jaworzno, near Krakow in Poland, for the project which is titled I’m a Super Duper Healthy Trooper and the duration of the initiative is two years.
The aim is to encourage children to examine aspects of their lives and try to make changes to their lifestyles that will have a lifelong impact. The schools involved will hope to achieve this by getting children, teachers and parents to examine their diets, exercise and interpersonal skills.
The Irish National Agency, Léargas, was impressed by the application as the schools aim to foster autonomy in all their pupils where they will learn and practice how to look after their minds and bodies.
The children will keep a diary for the duration of the two-year project and that will help them to evaluate their progress. They will also learn about each other’s countries, schools, cultures and localities. The school from Poland is in a town called Jaworzno, near Krakow.

Principal of Glenflesk National School Paul Favier said it’s a great opportunity for two small rural schools in Kerry to be involved at European level.
“We look forward to sharing experiences with our partners in Poland, learning from each other and making lots of new friends along the way,” he added.
Joan Mullane, Principal of Raheen NS, remarked: “The most exciting part of the project for the children will be when the pupils get to visit each other’s schools two years in a row”.
Fifth and sixth class pupils from Glenflesk NS and Raheen NS will travel to Poland in May 2020 and again in May 2021 for five days to meet their counterparts in Poland. The students from Poland will also visit Killarney to spend time in Glenflesk NS and Raheen NS.
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