Thomas stresses the crucial role of worms in soil

Thomas and Claire O’Connor on their farm

A Kerry farmer has joined forces with others in the industry for a new book combining scientific research with local knowledge that gives farmers and others practical tips on how to create a more sustainable future, while protecting land and nature.

At a time of great challenge and uncertainty for farm families, The Farming For Nature Handbook is a practical guide to protecting and restoring nature.

With contributions from more than 50 Irish farmers, the book also shares farmers’ experiences of how working with nature can help reduce costs and improve incomes.

Thomas O’Connor, a horticulturalist from Manna Organic Farm in Gleann na nGealt, Camp, is one of the contributors and he shares his views on sustainable farming in the book.

The Farming For Nature Handbook

“We learned early in our farming journey how important worms are to rebuilding our soil and the biology that lives in it,” Thomas said.

“Worms create both vertical and horizontal passageways in the soil. These passageways allow for better water movement as well as oxygenating the soil. The worms digest, process and stabilise organic matter, incorporating it deep into the soil itself,” he added.

While there is widespread awareness of the environmental damage caused by poor farming practices, this book in contrast attempts to highlight the positive ways farmers can sustain and enhance our natural environment, and benefit from the results.

It is hoped The Farming For Nature Handbook will become the essential guide to caring profitably for our land.

The book, which will be launched on November 28, was inspired by regular requests to the non-profit Farming For Nature project from landowners, farmers, smallholders and growers wanting to learn how best to manage their land, big or small, in a way that enhances habitats, protects profits, and safeguards our natural environment and rural communities. Reaching thousands of readers every day. To advertise call 087-2229761 or email