There is no fine big enough to punish those involved in indiscriminate dumping, a Killarney councillor has insisted.
Cllr Martin Grady was speaking after he was alerted to two disgusting incidents of illegal dumping of domestic waste in two areas on the outskirts of town.
One was at a scenic area at Whitebridge where household waste, including fast food containers, were thrown by the railings overlooking the River Flesk.

The other incident – which was far worse – was in Ballyspillane where bags full of food wrappings, empty beer bottles, an empty cattle feed bag and other household waste were dumped beside the wall of a house.
“From what I saw at Whitebridge, all the items dumped were recyclable and it is absolutely free of charge to dispose of same,” Cllr Grady said.
“With regard to the estate the local authority provides a waste disposal service in the town or at Coolcashlagh where it’s only €5 to dispose of a bag.
“The prices haven’t increased in years in an attempt to prevent this from happening – there’s no excuse for illegal dumping.” Cllr Grady stated.
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