FUNDING to create a permanent outdoor dining space in Killarney town has been officially rubber-stamped by Fáilte Ireland
The sum of €604,505 has been approved for the development at Kenmare Place while €292,118 has been allocated for a similar project at the boatyard in Dingle.
The two Kerry projects are among 38 permanent outdoor dining facilities to be developed in 19 counties nationwide, at a cost of just under €9 million.
All local authorities were invited to apply to Fáilte Ireland for funding to develop streets and public spaces to facilitate year-round weather-proofed outdoor dining in urban tourism centres.

Several areas in Killarney were assessed to determine suitability for Fáilte Ireland’s weatherproofing and outdoor dining infrastructure scheme before Kenmare Place was deemed the most appropriate.
To qualify for funding, projects had to be located in permanently or partially pedestrianised streets or zones with links to connected pedestrianised areas of traditionally high tourism footfall.
The chosen area has to contain a variety of businesses offering outdoor dining with a broad appeal to tourists at lunchtime and in the evenings and a minimum of three separate businesses should be in a position to benefit.
The street or zone must be in close proximity to hotels and visitor attractions which, in the case of Kenmare Place, is Killarney House and Gardens and the outdoor dining facilities put in place must remain for a minimum of five years.

The overall criteria was based on:
- Footfall
- Proximity to a minimum of three hospitality businesses
- Close to tourist attractions
- Semi/fully pedestrianised area
- Cultural and design led approach
The 620sq metre architect designed eye-shaped area will feature a mixture of a retractable roof and umbrella shade sand it will be screened from the roadway by a toughened glass screen and a one-metre high limestone-clad barrier. It will feature paving, landscaping and lighting with 210sq metre covered for dining purposes.
The criteria dictates that the work must be finished by November 30.