Teddy bears get the care they need at pop-up hospital

Teddy bears and cuddly toys of all shapes and sizes, some looking the worse for wear, got the expert care they needed at a special pop-up teddy bears’ hospital where medical professionals were on stand-by to offer assistance.

Peter and Alice Farr with student doctor Al Munthir at the pop-up teddy bears’ hospital at MTU.
Pictures: Valerie O’Sullivan

Doctors and nurses were on duty and kept on their toes as 150 children arrived at the Munster Technological University in Tralee to get great care for their favourite soft toys.

The event was organised by students and staff at the MTU in association with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and charity partner BUMBLEance – the world’s first ambulance service specifically designed and tailored for children.

The good news at the end of the busy shift was that all the soft toys and teddy bears were given a clean bill of health and they were discharged in the care of their loved ones who will give them the extra care they need at home.

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