Standing together through the tippy tap challenge

Four-year-old Sinead O’Suilleabhain making a tippy tag in her back garden

AID agency GOAL is calling on families in Kerry to build their own tippy tap hand-washing device to highlight issues facing vulnerable communities around the world fighting coronavirus.

A tippy tap is a simple but ingenious device used in many developing contexts to wash hands when there is no access to running water. It can be built using an empty plastic container, sticks and string which are easy to find even during lockdown.

The #GOALTippyTapTag online campaign provides a fun activity at a time when people need distraction but will also send out a message that while we may be far apart in this time of a global pandemic, we can stand together in solidarity no matter where we are in the world.


Whether looking for an educational activity for children or more meaningful online fun while working at home, people are encouraged to make a tippy tap in their garden, balcony, yard, post a video or photo on social media using the hashtag #GOALTippyTapTag, and tag three more people to do the same.

GOAL spokesmanEamon Sharkey, said: “A tippy tap serves as a strong and tangible symbol of the global nature of the Covid-19 crisis, demonstrating that we are all part of one global community and that unified actions, such as washing our hands, can make us all safer and more secure”.

Tippy Tap Tag will be taking place online including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can find details on how to build your very own tippy tap at

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