Staff doing everything possible to ensure patients are safe

Staff are doing everything possible to make sure all patients and residents are kept safe and well

FAMILIES in Kerry have been assured that with strict visiting restrictions in place at all hospitals and residential centres, staff are doing everything possible to support patients and residents and to help them keep in contact with relatives and friends.

Chief Officer of Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, Ger Reaney, who chairs the HSE’s area crisis management team, said he knows visiting restrictions are very difficult and that some people have not been able to see their loved ones for many weeks.

“Our staff are doing everything possible to make sure all patients and residents are kept safe and well,” he said.

University Hospital Kerry

He said the remarkable dedication of staff has helped emormously to achieve those goals.

“We have seen a huge redeployment of staff across our services and our staff have risen to this challenge as they move to screening centres from desk jobs back to ward duties and increasing their working hours where they can.

“Their efforts will help us to provide care for the people of Kerry,” Mr Reaney stated.

Acting Director of Public Health with the HSE, Anne Sheahan, thanked the people of Kerry for adhering to guidelines and staying at home as much as possible.

“Staying at home will help us all to slow the spread of the virus and that is giving us the opportunity to prepare all parts of the service,” she remarked.

“We would like to remind people that when they leave their homes for essential reasons that they continue to keep two metres apart from anyone not in their household,” Ms Sheahan stated.

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