Spa News
Submitted by Anne Holland
The East Kerry final is on Saturday at 12.30pm in Killarney Racecourse. Best of luck to all our competitors.
The Spa figure dancers are Alice O’Donoghue, Aislinn O’Donovan, Leah Murphy, Ailbhe Gallagher, Erin Holland, Kate Lawlor, Laura O’Carroll and Carrie Hickey. The set dancers are Erin Holland, Orlaith Spillane, Meghann Cronin, Siona Moynihan, Liam Spillane, Gary O’Sullivan, Cian O’Sullivan and Eoghan Mulvaney and representing Spa in solo singing will be Laura Fleming.
Academy: The Spa ABC Nursery (3-6 year olds) and under eight boys and girls will not take place on Saturday due to mid-term. A fancy dress Hallowe’en party will be held upstairs in Spa clubhouse on Friday from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. Come along and enjoy what promises to be a spooky night of fun. New members welcome.
Fixtures: The under 16 boys’ final v Currow is to be refixed while the under 16 girls’ East Kerry Division 3 final against Kilcummin will be played this Thursday at 6.30pm under lights in Spa.
The Spa v Kilcummin minor Division 3C final will be on Saturday at 2.00pm and a venue to be decided and the senior ladies’ Division 3 county league final will be on Sunday, November 5 with Spa playing Austin Stacks at a time and venue to be confirmed.
Merchandise: The club chop will be open Saturdays from 11.30am to 12.30pm or contact Mathilda outside these hours for alternate arrangements. Her number is 087-6487356.
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