SouthDoc ‘red eye’ shifts under pressure

The service is essential but it has become increasingly stretched

THERE has been a demand for action to be taken to avoid threatened cuts to the SouthDoc out-of-hours medical service which has come under pressure because of a shortage of doctors.

Fears have been expressed that the number available to cover the so called “red eye” late night shifts is not near what is required and those running the service are finding it increasingly difficult to get help.

Cllr Norma Moriarty has warned that any cutbacks will have serious implications for patients.

“The service is essential but it has become increasingly stretched over the past number of years. Reducing hours or closing treatment centres cannot be considered an option,” she insisted.
“I have been talking with local doctors who are extremely worried about the situation,” Cllr Moriarty added.

While the HSE funds the administrative and support elements of the service, it is the GPs themselves who cover the cost of so-called doctors who work unsocial, on-call hours.

Previously medics from Australia, South Africa and elsewhere took up the offer of work with SouthDoc to get experience but the current work permit scheme for non-EU residents is causing problems and delays.
“I have put forward a motion to the next meeting Kerry County Council calling for the work permit situation to be reviewed to examine whether these work permits can be expedited in certain situations,’ said Cllr Moriarty who is also raising the matter with the HSE.

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