KERRY County Council has issued a call-out to artists to submit work to Kerry Visual Artists’ Showcase which is an annual selected exhibition for professional artists which takes place each September at Government Buildings in Killarney.
This is the fifth annual showcase which welcomes artists working across all media and genres within the visual arts. It recognises local talent and provides exposure for visual artists who are originally from, or resident in the county.

The Kerry Visual Arts Showcase came about as a result of consultations during the compilation of the 2016-2021 Kerry Arts Plan by the County Arts Office. Overwhelming demand for exhibition opportunities was received from visual artists and this need was re-iterated again during consultations for the Creative Ireland Kerry Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022.
“The Kerry Visual Arts Showcase is always a wonderful show and remains a key exhibition event in the county for contemporary visual arts practice,” said Kate Kennelly, Arts Officer with Kerry County Council.
“We encourage all working artists to apply and we are delighted that we can present work from Kerry that is of a great standard year after year”.
The 2019 showcase will be selected by Mary McCarthy, Director of the Crawford Art Gallery in Cork.
The deadline for receipt of application forms is 4.00pm on Friday, March 8 and applications are only accepted by email to arts@kerrycoco.ie. The showcase is supported through funding from Kerry County Council and The Arts Council. Artists are being asked to download information and an application form from the Kerry County Council’s website under http://www.kerrycoco.ie/home3/arts/arts-forms/.
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