Roads in the park are ‘absolutely diabolical’

A pothole-riddled road on the main walking an cycling route along Muckross and Dinis

KERRY County Council is in ongoing contact with the National Parks and Wildlife Service in relation to the appalling condition of some of the roads in Killarney National Park but the response received from the body responsible for managing the park is that there are no funds available for repairs in 2020.

The festering matter was again raised at the most recent meeting of Killarney Municipal District Council where Cllr Niall Kelleher asked officials to again liaise with the NPWS on the matter.

A shocking series of photographs sent to the National Parks and Wildlife Service – and recently published by – highlighted roads ripped up with huge potholes with highly dangerous crevices appearing in the Muckross and Dinis area.

Cllr Niall Kelleher: Roads are absolutely diabolical

Despite concerns raised by businesses, the general public and councillors, the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht insisted that the roads do not form part of the 2020 budget.

A spokesperson said over the past four years, more than €3 million had already been invested in Killarney National Park, including more than €330,000 on upgrading the road network.

The Muckross House Board of Trustees insisted that the NPWS is responsible for all walkways and roads within Killarney National Park and the roads do not come under the remit of the Trustees.

Cllr Kelleher said the condition of several roads within the national park, particularly in Muckross and Dinis, was “absolutely diabolical”.

“I am receiving emails from so many people about it and from so many businesses who are concerned that somebody will be badly hurt,” he said

The shocking state of the roads in the park

“The responses we receive from the National Parks and Wildlife Service are just scandalous,” added Cllr Kelleher who said there are now more people than ever before walking and cycling in the park.

“What’s the problem with the NPWS? Can we lend them a small bit of hot tar so that they can get the work done?” he asked.

Meanwhile, Cllr Kelleher was told that proposed drainage and resurfacing works on the Old Kenmare Road, which is being conducted under a local improvement scheme, are expected to be completed by the end of November next.

The ESB has appointed a contractor to lay duct and cabling and that part of the project is expected to be completed by September and the council will then resurface the road, in conjunction with the NPWS.

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