Residents of a Killarney estate have had their lives interrupted for years because of the impact caused by noise and and vibrations from passing traffic at all hours of the day and night, a meeting of Killarney Municipal District Council has heard.
Highlighting the problems being experienced at Whitebridge Manor, Cllr Martin Grady has asked the council to liaise with Transport Infrastructure Ireland to have sound barriers erected as Pike Hill, which runs alongside the estate, to give them some peace and quiet.
Cllr Maura Healy-Rae said the problem is going as far back as 1997 when the new roadway was completed and the residents have been suffering ever since.
She said residents have complained that the windows in the houses actually shake when traffic passes by, even if they have double or triple glazing.

“There are delivery trucks passing at 4 and 5 o’clock in the morning and the traffic continues until well into the early hours of the next morning with taxis and other vehicles,” she said.
Council officials said there are improvement works proposed between the MD O’Shea Roundabout on the bypass road and the Ballycasheen junction which leads to Whitebridge Manor and the plans include a new pavement surface which will reduce traffic noise.
Furthermore, the cross-section will narrow which will reduce traffic speed in the area.
Subject to the completion of the necessary planning process, Transport Infrastructure Ireland approval will be sought to undertake the improvement works which will provide the necessary noise mitigation along this section of the N22.
Council engineer John Ahern said the required public consultation process is expected to commence in mid to late February and the project would be advanced as quickly as possible.
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