Progress being made on new inner relief road

The plan is to link the High Street junction to Bohereen na Goun on New Street along Monsignor O’Flaherty Road

PROGRESS is being made in Killarney on a plan to develop a new inner relief road, running from Monsignor O’Flaherty Road off High Street to Bohereen na Goun, near Dunnes Stores, on New Street.

Kerry County Council is now in discussions with the three landowners involved and meetings have also taken place with the consultants who have been appointed for the project.

Cllr Donal Grady: Raised the issue

Work is ongoing with the design of the relief road with a view to preparing tender documents, subject to agreement with the landowners.

The long-term plan it to join the High Street junction with the new inner relief road, as proposed in a major traffic management study, commissioned by the council and published by consultants Malachy Walsh and Partners, in November 2016.

Cllr Donal Grady, who raised the matter at a recent meeting of Killarney Municipal District Council, said he seems to be getting the same answers now that he was receiving two years ago and he asked for faster progress on the project.

Killarney Municipal District Manager, Angela McAllen, insisted that significant progress has been made and area engineer, John Ahern, said the plan is to proceed to detailed drawings to allow the project to go to the tender stage.

Issues such as the heights of walls in the area and traffic movement need to be factored in, he said.

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