Profile: Paul Treyvaud

IMG_5838What do you work at?
Co-owner of Treyvaud’s Restaurant, with my brother Mark, on High Street, Killarney
Tell us about your family?
I will be married to my stunning wife, Elaine, 10 years this October. We’ve two sons, Sean (8) and Dylan (6)
What schools did you attend?
St Bridget’s Primary School and Clonkeen College in Dublin
Who’s your best buddy?
If I didn’t say my wife, she’d kill me but my mates know who they are
Any childhood memory stand out?
I remember going to Yugoslavia when I was three and coming back when I was four. It took me years to figure out that I was only there for two weeks
Family aside, who would be the first person you would like at your birthday party?
I had to think about that one. Kim Jong-Un. I’d have to ask him is he just chancing his arm as he goes along
And the last?
Eamon Gilmore. The very sound of his voice irritates me. The second last would be Joe Duffy for the exact same reason, strangely enough.
Who irritates you?
Apart from my two buckos above, I would say moaners in general. Life is way too short to listen to these people, let alone surround yourself with them. I love people that ooze positivity and these are the people I like to spend my time with
International figure you most admire?
I love everything that Jamie Oliver has achieved. Himself and Keith Floyd are the two celebrity chefs I admire most. That said, I absolutely hate the phrase ‘celebrity chef’

Munster fans: Paul and Elaine
Munster fans: Paul and Elaine

National figure you most admire?
Brian O’Driscoll is a phenomenal role model to young people in Ireland. I’m a Munster fan but I don’t think it matters what province you support to agree with that. I just wish though that Ronan O’Gara got the same chance to say goodbye to the Irish fans
Who would you like to see as Taoiseach and why?
I’d love a crack at being a dictator myself as politics and I don’t really mix. Senator Mark Daly is a very impressive politician. I think he really has a lot to offer the Irish people and I would watch this space. There is no doubt though that politically, the amazing Irish people deserve a lot more than what we are getting at present
Your most memorable holiday?
Well, clearly not Yugoslavia! We recently had an amazing three weeks in America, taking in New York, Orlando and Chicago. I don’t think I’ll ever experience memories like that again as I was with the people that matter most to me
Your favourite place?
My home in Kenmare. It’s where I get most of my inspiration from
Favourite TV programme?
I am a total Game of Thrones freak. It is the greatest show ever made and as sad as I am to admit it, I can’t wait for every Monday for the new episode of Season 4
Dinner party at home or a night in the pub?
I love to entertain at home but I also love a good session with my mates
Favourite food?
I think it’s easier and quicker to say what food I don’t like – peppers and cucumber
Signature dish if cooking?
oached fillets of Dover Sole with champagne beurre blanc sauce and creamed spinach
Favourite restaurant?
That Treyvaud’s place in Killarney is pretty good, I hear. We’re spoilt for choice in Kenmare but there’s a spot on the side of a cliff in Jamaica and I’ll take my wife back there one day. She knows why.
Family aside, your ideal four dinner guests?
Keith Floyd, Brendan Rodgers, Chris O’Dowd and Paul O’Connell
Wine and cheese, beer and crisps or tea and biscuits?
Wine, cheese, beer, crisps and biscuits. Usually in that order too. I hate tea
Eggs scrambled, fried, poached, boiled or raw?
Fried, with gorgonzola cheese melted on top

Fun: Paul in combat gear for one of YouTube movies
Fun: Paul in combat gear for one of YouTube movies

Christmas morning or Mid Summer’s Day?
I am the biggest child on the planet so definitely Christmas morning
Hangover cure?
Go to my YouTube Channel – Cooking with Treyvaud – and I show you exactly how to make it. Trust me, it works every time
Do you keep fit?
Just had a quick look in the mirror, eh – No! However, my mind is ripped
Best book you read?
The Hooker in the Lobby, written by a little known author. Can’t remember his name but it was a strange surname. Google it.
Last movie you watched?
Braveheart. I watch it at least once a month
Last CD you bought?
I actually couldn’t tell you as it’s been so long. I’d say it was probably NOW something or other
Your favourite song?
Bruno Mars Locked out of Heaven has to be one of the catchiest songs ever

Paul with actor Samuel L Jackson
Paul with actor Samuel L Jackson

The actor you most admire?
Mel Gibson. Even though he made some crap movies in his time. I also like Samuel L Jackson and had the pleasure of meeting him once
Do you have a pet?
Harry, a sea otter
Are you religious?
Very. But not as most people would imagine
Are you political?
Yes, Unfortunately, I’m no good at it. I’m too honest
Morning person or night owl?
Either. I don’t sleep
Favourite pin-up?
It was Cheryl Cole until she destroyed herself with that silly tattoo
Your proudest moment?
here are three obvious occasions but I know that it’s still to come. There is something that I want more than anything and I will get it
Favourite sports star?
Muhammad Ali is a living legend. My father actually cooked for him. There’s a great photo of my mother and Ali hanging up in our restaurant.
What makes you happy?
Seeing my kids growing up strong and healthy. Being alive. My wife loving me and having some of the most incredible friends imaginable that make me laugh every single day
How would you like to be remembered?
That’s for others to decide