What do you work at? I work as the practice manager of the family business, Torc Medical Centre in Killarney
Tell us about your family? I am a boomerang kid and live with my parents, Domhnall and Paula. I am the baby of the family. I have a brother and sister, Eanna and Orla
What schools did you attend? I attended St Oliver’s NS and St Brigid’s Presentation in Killarney. I completed a BCL in University College, Cork and received an MA in Journalism from Independent Colleges, Dublin
Who’s your best buddy? A toss-up between my sister, Orla Kavanagh and my boyfriend John Cronin
Any childhood memory stand out? Winning a giant chocolate Easter bunny in a raffle in the old Reeks petrol station when I was eight. We have talked about it every Easter since
Family aside, who would be the first person you would like at your birthday party? My best friend from college, Christine Murphy, who lives in Abu Dhabi
And the last? Ronan Keating
International figure you most admire? Pope Francis
National figure you most admire? Miriam O’Callaghan
Who irritates you? Ronan Keating
Who would you like to see as Taoiseach and why? Not sure, but definitely not Ronan Keating
Your most memorable holiday? I travelled to New Zealand in 2007 for my cousin Donal Kavanagh’s wedding. A big crowd of my family went over for it and we spent Christmas ‘down under’. We rang in the New Year on the beach in a tiny village on the South Island. It was a very alternative Christmas and one I will never forget
Your favourite place? Killarney National Park
Favourite TV programme? Home and Away

Dinner party at home or a night in the pub? Dinner party at home
Favourite food? Chocolate
Signature dish if cooking? Three cheese lasagne, followed by blueberry cheesecake. I’m a cheesy gal!
Favourite restaurant? Rozzers Restaurant in Killeen House Hotel
Family aside, your ideal four dinner guests? Neven Maguire to do the grub, Graham Norton for some juicy table talk, Barry Manilow for post-dinner entertainment and my boyfriend to do the wash up
Wine and cheese, beer and crisps or tea and biscuits? Tea and biscuits
Eggs scrambled, fried, poached, boiled or raw? Poached
Christmas morning or Mid Summer’s Day? Christmas morning
Hangover cure? Avoid white wine
Do you keep fit? I try. I like swimming and walking
Best book you read? Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
Last movie you watched? Nebraska
Last CD you bought? Good Ol’ Fashioned Love by The Overtones
Your favourite song? Copacabana by Barry Manilow
The actor you most admire? Our own Michael Fassbender. I would love to see him do a rom-com!
Do you have a pet? Yes, my four-year-old Bichon Frise, Ted. He was shown on RTÉ during the Rose of Tralee broadcast and was referred to as “the most famous dog in Kerry”. He is the apple of my eye
Are you religious? Yes
Are you political? I did a bit of canvassing for Cllr Michael Gleeson in the recent local election. I was delighted to see him re-elected. I have great respect for people who put themselves forward as representatives, be it on a local or national level

Morning person or night owl? Morning person
Favourite pin-up? Leonardo DiCaprio or a young Omar Sharif
Your proudest moment? Representing the Kingdom as the 2013 Kerry Rose at the Rose of Tralee International Festival last summer
Favourite sports star? Roger Federer. I met him in New York in 2003 just after he won his first Wimbledon title. I was so excited to meet him. I got my photograph taken with him and I have it framed on my wall
What makes you happy? Spending time with my loved ones
How would you like to be remembered? To be remembered lovingly by my family and friends