Play to capture both local and national history

Ready to go on Hunger Strike: Killorglin Archive Society members, standing from left Gearoid Clifford (Willie, Nano’s brother), Edso Crowley (Darkie), Maddeline Foley-Firth (Aunt Julia), Brian Aherne (Pasha), Gene Aherne (Davy), Susan McCarthy (Nano Grady), Noel Shanahan and Mary Gallagher (co-directors) and,in front, Kathleen Cronin (Mrs Moriarty) and Claire Conway (Maney)

A play based on the Civil War by Killorglin native and revolutionary activist, Máirín Cregan, a renowned children’s author, will be staged, almost a century after it was written, in her hometown from October 13-15.

Hunger Strike will be presented in the CYMS Hall by the Killorglin Archive Society as part of its Decade of Centenaries commemorative programme.

Máirín Cregan was born in Killorglin in 1891 and went on to become an internationally-renowned author and playwright. Hunger Strike was written months after the end of the hunger strikes in November 1923 but, for a long time, it was considered too controversial to be staged and was subsequently rejected by the Abbey Theatre, in 1931.

It was first published in 1927 and adapted for radio, 2RN – later Raidío Éireann – in 1936 but it was never adapted for stage.

The play demonstrated the deep Civic War divisions in Kerry

Set in Kerry in 1923, it tells the story of Nano and Ned Grady. At the play’s opening, Ned, an internee in a Dublin prison, has been on hunger strike for 25 days and Nano is conflicted: she vehemently supports her husband but worries for her children and a future without him.

The play’s action demonstrates the Civil War divisions as relatives try to bully Nano to coerce Ned to come off strike. However, the play also demonstrates the value of neighbours and friends who are greatly supportive of the Gradys.

It cannot be underestimated now important this play is, regarding both local and national history as, not only does it demonstrate the bravery of Mairin Cregan in writing the play months after the 1923 hunger strikes had ended, but also in terms of the forgotten women writers.

Co-directed by Mary Gallagher and Noel Shanahan, the cast and production team comprise members from various drama groups under the umbrella of the Killorglin Archive Society.

Bookings can be made on 066-9762053 and tickets, priced at €15, will also available at the door.

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