Pupils from Glenflesk and Raheen National Schools swapped their normal routine of school work and homework for six glorious days during which they enjoyed a wonderful trip to Spain.
A travelling party of 48, made up of children, parents and staff from both schools, enjoyed cultural, educational and beach activities as part of an Erasmus project with a school in the city of Cartagena, one-hour south of Alicante.

“Our trip was delayed due to Covid but it was well worth the wait,” said Glenflesk principal Paul Favier.
“It’s not too often children get to travel abroad with their classmates in primary school so we think they will remember this trip for a long time.
“We were delighted to have parents with us and they were able to witness first-hand the benefits of such a trip,” he said.
Both schools secured funding from the European Union for an Erasmus project and the children from Ireland and Spain have been working together on various projects over the last two years, culminating with the Glenflesk pupils travelling to Spain and their Spanish friends soon to visit Kerry.
While in Spain the children met with students from Salesianos School, Cartagena and, over the six days, they enjoyed paddle boarding, kayaking, snorkeling, an open top bus tour of the city, an interactive visit to the ancient Roman ruins, lessons on sea and marine life and a full day in school.

Every afternoon, when all the work was done, the children went to the beach for a dip in the sea and to play some games.
Raheen principal, Joan Mullane, remarked: “It was the first time both schools undertook a project of this size and we are delighted with how it worked out. It was also the first time a lot of our pupils had been on an aeroplane”.
She added: “We are very grateful for all the support from our parents and staff who helped to make the trip such a success. Our aim is to make this a regular event for both schools. Preparation is already underway to take a similar sized group to Rome in 12 to 18 months’ time”.
The Glenflesk and Raheen pupils must first host their new friends from Spain for a week in June with 30 children and six teachers set to travel to enjoy the delights of Killarney.
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