Oh brother, Túsa has a playmate down on the farm

Bean an Ti Joan O’Connor and farm hand Tim Cronin with 10-week-old Buachaill and big brother Túsa at Muckross Traditional Farms, Killarney.
Pictures: Valerie O’Sullivan

There is a stunning new arrival at Muckross Traditional Farms in Killarney and he is sure to be a smash hit with visitors.

A handsome Irish Wolfhound pup, just 10 weeks old, has been unveiled to the world for the first time with Killarney photographer Valerie O’Sullivan granted exclusive rights to take the first official snapshot.

Muckross Traditional Farms Bean An Tí, Joan O’Connor, holding 10-week-old Buachaill with big brother, Túsa (right), breeder Declan Conlon (left), Muckross Traditional Farm manager Toddy Doyle and farm hand Tim Cronin.

Buachaill is the new baby brother for resident Muckross wolfhound Túsa and he was bred by Declan and Barbara Conlon in Co Cavan, who are guardians of the Millarton Irish Wolfhound, a particular line of the breed preserving the excellent genetic profile of this ancient hound.

When delivering Buachaill to his new home in Killarney, the Conlons brought other members of the brood along for the day-trip and they had fantastic fun in the wide-open but secure spaces around Muckross Traditional Farms.

Although just two and a half months old, Buachaill is already the size of a medium-sized family dog and one day he will be big and strong – just like his older brother. And the way things are going, that won’t be too long more.

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