New facility will create 440 places for students

MTU: New facility approved

Contracts have been signed to allow for the construction to commence on a new science technology engineering and maths (STEM) building at Munster Technological University Kerry.

The new 8,913m2 facility will consist of laboratories, agri-machinery workshops, classroom spaces and ancillary space.

Minister Norma Foley: Welcomed news

Overall, it will increase the capacity of MTU Kerry by 440 students and provide top-of-the-range facilities that the entire MTU campus can benefit from.

This project is being delivered under Project Ireland 2040 which recognises that investment in education is central to achieving a strong, future-proofed economy which is balanced across the regions.

Welcoming the news, Education Minister, Norma Foley, said: “This new STEM building will be yet another fantastic addition to the suite of facilities and opportunities for students at MTU Kerry campus”.

She added: “It is a really significant step forward for the project and reflects the considerable priority and investment which this Government is placing in the campus.”

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