Rathmore and Gneeveguilla News
Submitted by Michael O’Mahony
At the annual general meeting of the Rathmore/Gneeveguilla Community Games the following officers were elected: Chairman: Aeneas O’Leary; Secretary: Cynthia Daly; Assistant Secretary: Valerie Linehan; Treasurer: Maria Foley; PRO: Ann O’Leary and Child Protection Officer: Marianne Cronin.
Other committee members continuing this year are Mike Foley, Geraldine O’Leary, Garret Thompson and Una Moynihan Thompson.
A big thank you to former committee member Joan Warren for all her help and support over the past number of years.
Fair: The Sliabh Luachra Active Retirement Group will hold a craft fair on Sunday from 1.00pm to 3.30pm at Tureencahill Community Centre to benefit local children attending the autism unit in St Francis Special School in Beaufort.
Collection: On Monday, October 30 youth members of the Social Action Group will begin their annual door-to-door collection. It is hoped to raise over €12,000 with the bulk of the proceeds going towards care of the elderly in the community. In addition, approximately €3,000 will go to the developing world. Members will show a permit and give a receipt. Your generous support will be greatly appreciated.
Slimming: The Gneeveguilla GAA Club ladies’ committee is hoping to set up a slimming class in Gneeveguilla. For more information please contact Noreen on 086-1210354 or Sheila on 087-6566715.
Party: There will be a Hallowe’en fancy dress party in the Gneeveguilla GAA Club bar on Sunday with music by Movie Scene and a happy hour from 9.30pm. Excellent prizes will be given away on the night and everyone is welcome.
Final: Best of luck to our neighbours, Knocknagree, in the county final in Páirc Uí Rinn on this Sunday at 1.30 pm.
Bingo: The Rathmore branch of the Kerry Parents Friends Association, which has been in existence for nearly 50 years, would like to thank its supporters and friends to their generosity and assistance during this period. The funds raised form various events such as the annual sale of work, church gate collection and panto have helped to establish Rathmore services. In an effort to increase funding a Christmas bingo will be held on Sunday, December 10 at 3pm in the Community Centre to replace the sale of work.
Deaths: Sympathy is extended to Jerry, Edward and Timmy O’Connor, on the death of their father Cornelius O’Connor, Droum, to Noreen Dennehy, Tim and John O’Leary and their families on the death of their father Christy O’Leary, Knocknagree, to Maura O’Connor and family, Umeraboy, on the death of her brother-in-law Brendan O’Connor, Killarney.
Novena: The sixth and final apparition of Our Lady at Fatima was celebrated with a Youth Mass at the Church of the Holy Rosary Gneeveguilla last Friday. Many thanks to all who participated and a special thanks to Fr Jim Lenihan for the beautiful celebration and John Sheehan for an excellent testimony. Thanks also to our parish priest Fr Pat for officiating and facilitating since the novena started on May 5.
Tea: The Gneeveguilla National School parents’ association are hosting a ladies’ tea party on Saturday, November 11 in the GAA Hall from 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Music will be provided by Celtra during the evening. Round up your friends and family ladies and let’s put the talk into the tea. For ticket sales or further information contact Louise on 087-7616176 or Áine on 087-6874419.
Calcutta: Rockchapel Comhaltas will hold a seisiun in Bruach na Carraige on Sunday, Novemnber 5 at 8pm with all proceeds to go to help the Street children in Calcutta. Eileen Harnett of Glashakinleen, who is a nurse in Cork University Hospital and who met Mother Theresa, is going to work as a volunteer in Calcutta and will ensure our funding will go to the most needy causes.
Crafts: Knocknagoshel’s annual craft fair will take place on Sunday, November 5 at 12 noon in Knocknagoshel Community Centre. The proceeds are used to help fund the over 55’s social club. There are a limited number of tables still available and to book a table please contact Mary on 087-9740296.
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