Missing dog back with her happy family

Biscuit is home after more than a week on the missing list

A FULL week after she vanished out of sight, with absolutely no trace since then, despite extensive searches, Biscuit has come home.

The very distinctive Bernese-Golden Retriever cross disappeared from Kilquane in Headford on Monday of last week and distraught owner, Amy Murphy, was convinced her beloved family pet had been stolen.

She issued an appeal on KillarneyToday.com for any information that might lead to the return of Biscuit who was neutered and had a number of stitches to a wound in one of her front paws.

The post was shared by hundreds of KillarneyToday.com readers and the search for Biscuit hugely intensified.

Fast forward over a week and there’s a very happy ending to this story as a delighted Amy and her family are reunited tonight with their family pet.

All smiles in the Murphy home as Biscuit is hugged on her return

“She just wandered into the backyard, panting as if she had been running,” a hugely relieved Amy said.

Biscuit’s paw is still injured and it may even be broken so she is due a trip to the vet tomorrow.

Amy still believes that Biscuit was stolen as extensive searches by neighbours and friends, over a wide area, failed to find her.

She said so many people were on the lookout for Biscuit and so many vehicle registration plates had been shared that the dog may have become too hot to handle.

Biscuit is now being comforted and spoilt by the Murphy family but she appears a little timid and is reluctant to go outside, even for a short while.

“I am convinced that it was the power of social media that brought Biscuit home. Thanks to Killarneytoday.com for getting the message out there – you don’t know how grateful I am,” said Amy.

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