AN important survey to ascertain the views of the business community in Killarney, on a whole range of important local issues, has been launched with commercial interests in the town being urged to respond to ensure a full and accurate snapshot of local opinion is obtained.
The Business Sentiment Survey 2021 – which is entirely separate to the Let’s Talk About Town research conducted last month – is geared towards discovering what is important for local businesses going forward, what they need and expect from the town and what measures they would like to see implemented.
The information provided will be important as Killarney continues moving towards creating a safe, progressive and inclusive town in Covid times.
All replies are anonymous and the findings will go to an independent third party agency for professional analysis with the responses to be aggregated together and presented as an overall set of results.
Questions posed in the Business Sentiment Survey, commissioned by Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce, in consultation with Killarney Municipal District Council, include the percentage of local, domestic and international markets business relied on pre and post-Covid-19, how reliant businesses now are on local trade and the number of people each business employs.

Respondents are also asked if and why they consider Killarney a good place to do business, the biggest challenges facing the town post pandemic and how business practices have changed because of Covid. The business community is asked to estimate how the pandemic impacted on trade and views are invited on the need for CCTV cameras in the town.
The Business Sentiment Survey also seeks opinions on how effective or otherwise outdoor dining, pedestrianisation, the widening of footpaths and new parking regulations were in Killarney during the summer months and to rate, by means of priority, issues such as tidy towns standards, street cleaning and bin storage on the streets.
Other questions deal with how Killarney’s nightlife scene is viewed in terms of its impact on businesses, how strongly people would recommend Killarney as a town to socialise in to a friend and how safe they consider the town after dark.
“We are eager to get as much representation across each sector as possible,” said Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce President Niall Kelleher.
“We would greatly appreciate it if people could complete and also share and encourage businesses across their respective industry and any professional groups they may be a member of to complete to take the survey,” he added.
Link to survey: https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=163472064908