Killarney and Tralee in battle to secure injuries clinic

The need for a minor injuries clinic in Killarney has a been highlighted repeatedly

Despite repeated calls for a dedicated local injuries unit is to be set up in Killarney, Sinn Féin has reiterated its preference for the facility to be based in Tralee.

There has been a groundswell of support for a medical centre of that nature to be established in Killarney given that Tralee already has an accident and emergency unit but Sinn Fein claims that any other location “doesn’t make sense”.

Cllrs John O’Domoghue, Martin Grady and Mayor Niall Kelleher have been actively campaigning for a minor injuries clinic to be sanctioned for Killarney where the population multiplies three-fold during the busy tourist season.

Cllr John O’Donoghue: Campaigning for Killarney facility

But Sinn Fein TD Pa Daly and his brother, Tralee local elections candidate Paul Daly, have called on Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly, to ensure that the proposed clinic is located in Tralee.

The HSE has confirmed that a dedicated local injuries unit is to be set up in Kerry, to treat patients with injuries of a more minor nature, but the location has still to be decided.

Sinn Fein’s Paul Daly insisted: “This can be a game-changer for the people of Tralee and Kerry. I know that a capital submission is on the way to the minister for decision”.

He added: “The ideal location is Tralee as it is close to UHK with its facilities and also with closer access for patients from North Kerry and West Kerry. Any other location does not make sense.”

But Cllr John O’Donoghue has previously highlighted the pressing need for such a facility in a town of Killarney’s size and he said it would serve the entire south and east Kerry area.

“This would help alleviate pressure on the A+E in Tralee as, currently, people are being forced into the emergency department that really should receive treatment elsewhere,” Cllr O’Donoghue said.

He suggested that the current district hospital or St Columbanus Home should be considered when both buildings become vacant once the new 130-bed community nursing unit is opened later this year.

“For too long the people of Killarney as well as east/south Kerry have been forced to travel across the county, or indeed over the county bounds, to receive care they should be entitled to receive in their own area,” Cllr O’Donoghue added.

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