Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
LUKE Skywalker is known to be very fond of Kerry and he might just love this.
A visitor attraction, renowned worldwide as the breathtaking tropical jewel on the Ring of Kerry, is about to become even more popular with the opening of Ireland’s longest rope bridge.
Five months’ work at Kells Bay House and Gardens culminates in the opening within the next fortnight of The Skywalk visitor attraction. The rope bridge spans 112 feet and has been erected over the stunning Delligeenagh River at a height of approximately 36 feet. The new attraction is just an hour from Killarney on the Skellig Coast.
Planted 160 years ago, the Kells Bay estate already includes a profusion of rare, Southern Hemisphere plants, a breathtaking waterfall, tree sculptures and bamboo gardens and it is home to Ireland’s largest palm tree, an 11-tonne specimen with a 7.5 metre trunk.
The Skywalk will be a major boost to the site which already attracts 10,000 plus visitors annually and provides up to 10 jobs in the local community at peak times. It is hoped that visitor numbers will exceed 15,000 with the new addition.
It will be officially opened on April 7 by Sir Tim Smit, famous for his work with The Lost Gardens of Heligan and the world-renowned Eden Project in the UK, and it will open to the public the following day.
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