John and Eileen in Captains’ shoot-out

Deerpark Pitch and Putt Club
Compiled by Jason O’Connor

Everyone in Deerpark Pitch and Putt Club is looking forward to a big turnout on Saturday evening for our Club Captains, John Kelly and Eileen Switzer, prizes. The entry is €10 per player with everyone asked to be present for 5pm for a 36-hole shotgun start.

Under 16: Our re-arranged under 16 Club Matchplay will take place this Saturday with a start time of 9.15am. The entry is €5 per player with all players asked to be present for time give given. There is both a Championship and Plate Competition this year.

Sunday: The results of the Sunday morning competition are Nett: Eileen Switzer, Willie O’Keeffe and Noel Moynihan – 76. Gross: Michael Foley, Sean O’Brien and Paddy Murphy–  99. Please note that future second draw times have been brought forward to 11am with a start time of 9.15am for the first draw remaining.

Wednesday: Please note that the event on Wednesday, September 6 will take place at the earlier time of 6.30pm.

Matchplay: Best wishes to all club competitors taking part in the various County Matchplay events in Castleisland on Sunday. A reminder to all that a dress code will apply.

Munster: A reminder to anyone interested in entering the Munster Matchplay (adults) that the deadline for receipt of entries is this Sunday evening with a fee of €13 per player. Please note that no unpaid entries will be sent off as standard.

Seniors: The next seniors’ outing will be to Newmarket on Wednesday, September 6 at 10.15am which will include two 18-hole competitions with an interval for lunch in the adjoining restaurant between each competition.

Clothing: A new range of club clothing is now available from the O’Neills website. Log on to for further information and select ‘Your Club’ followed by ‘Pitch & Putt’ to see the range. It’s the talk of the town. Advertising with us reaches thousands of people every day. Call 087-2229761