Jinxed is a snapshot of life during Covid

James Daly plays a middle aged man whose life is in crisis in the newly released Jinxed

A short trailer to a new six-part series written, produced and filmed in Killarney will be screened as part of the Kerry Film Festival this Friday night.

An introduction to Jinxed, the work of Damien O’Callaghan’s OC Productions, is due to be shown at Cinema Killarney, on East Avenue Road, at 8.30pm during the course of what promises to be an engaging evening of short films.

Shot at a number of locations in and around Killarney, including Kilcummin Post Office, Ross Castle and other sections of the national park, Jinxed, tells the bemusing story of how the central character – a middle aged man with an average job – coped with life during the Covid-19 pandemic and how anything he turned his hand to went wrong – hence the title Jinxed.

Damian O’Callaghan of OC Productions

But those are involved are quick to stress that it is not a sad story and it could, perhaps, best be described as a dark comedy.

Written and produced by the hugely creative and experienced Damian O’Callaghan, with Declan O’Shea, the main character, William Weiner, is played by James Daly, a well-known local actor who worked alongside Michael Fassbender with the Bricriú Theatre Company and, later, with actor and drama teacher Donal Courtney, who has sadly passed away last May.

James is now actively involved in the West End School of Arts in Killarney as are two of the other stars of Jinxed, local music teacher and actress Ina White, talented Julia Borucka who is still in national school and Eleanor Neff.

“We are very happy with it and we are looking forward to getting feedback from the audience on Friday night,” Damian said.

Tickets are available from www.kerryfilmfestival.com.

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