Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
COMMUNITIES, voluntary groups and individuals are being reminded that the telephone helpline to assist members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical services and to provide support and advice to people during the current public health emergency, will continue to operate over the weekend from 8am to 8pm.
The free, confidential phoneline, established by the Covid-19 Kerry Community Response Forum, is already proving hugely successful, with callers from all over Kerry utilising the service to avail of the response offered by community, sporting and voluntary groups.
These groups have come together, under the umbrella of the forum, to mobilise and coordinate the response to the current crisis, particularly in responding to the needs of vulnerable households and individuals.
The freephone number 1800-807-009 is available from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week. A text line (text ‘SUPPORT’ followed by your NAME to 50555) is also available for the hearing impaired or those who require a call-back from the service while requests can also be e-mailed to covidsupport@kerrycoco.ie.
The helpline, which is manned by trained volunteers, is focused primarily on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community or those living alone can access deliveries of essential items like groceries, medicine and fuel.
Where another agency or organisation can provide more appropriate information or advice, the caller will be connected with other organisations or services if required.
The group came together to complement and reinforce the tremendous work already underway across the county as communities respond to the needs of the community and it aims to ensure that any gaps in existing provision can be addressed and coordinated centrally.
The group is also asking members of the public to share the phone number with elderly or vulnerable neighbours.
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