Health Link Bus and Recovery Haven to benefit

The Barraduff Tractor Run will take place on Sunday next

ENGINES are ready to roar into life for the annual Barraduff Tractor Run which will raise much-needed funds for two of Kerry’s favourite charities.

It will be held on Sunday next, commencing in Barraduff Village at 1.00pm with registration from 11.00am.

All proceeds will go to the Kerry Cancer Support Group’s Cork-Kerry Health Link Bus and Recovery Haven.

The route for the convoy of tractors will be Gattabawn, Gneeveguilla, John Gow’s Cross, Rathmore, Shrone Cross, Doocarraig, Kilquane and back to Barraduff Village.

The entry fee is €20 per tractor and the event is open to all vintage and non-vintage tractors as well as vintage cars and motorbikes up to 75CC.

There will be refreshments afterwards in John Dan’s Bar in Barraduff and any queries should be directed to Maria on 086-3584472 or Stuart on 086-1297200.

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