Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
IT was a special weekend for one of Kerry’s most popular and high profile clerics who celebrated a very notable milestone since his ordination to the priesthood almost 60 years ago.
Last Friday marked the silver jubilee of the episcopal ordination as Bishop of Kerry of Dr Bill Murphy and, a quarter of a century after his elevation to the top religious post in the diocese, he is still making an enormous contribution to the everyday life of the church.
The Killarney parish issued a special message of congratulations to the Bishop Emeritus who is still playing a huge part in ceremonies in the parish seven years after his retirement.
“We wish him every blessing and good wishes. Ad Multos Annos,” the parish said.
Bishop Murphy, who has continued to live in Killarney since his retirement, was born in Annaghmore, Headford, in June 1936 and was educated at Raheen National School and St Brendan’s College, Killarney. He studied for the priesthood in Maynooth and was ordained on 18 June 1961.

Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
He taught Latin for six years at St Colman’s College in Newry and studied catechetics for a year at Lumen Vitae, Brussels, and Fordham University, New York where he taught in a girls’ high school and was awarded an MA in Religious Education in 1969.
On his return to Kerry – at a time when Eamonn Casey was bishop – Fr Murphy became assistant Kerry diocesan advisor for religious education in primary schools for a year, before spending three years at the Gregorian University, Rome, being awarded a doctorate in divinity (DD) in 1973.
For the next five years he worked with the Dublin-based Primary Catechetical Commission preparing the Children of God primary catechetical programme.
Fr Murphy taught theology in the Institute for Religious Education, Mount Oliver, Dundalk for a year before returning to Kerry in 1979 as diocesan director of religious education in post-primary schools and co-ordinator of adult religious education in the diocese.
He became curate of Killarney parish in September 1987 and was appointed administrator in 1988.
On the sudden death of Bishop Diarmaid Ó Súilleabháin, in August 1994, Fr Murphy was appointed administrator of the diocese of Kerry and was chosen as bishop in June 1995. He was ordained by a fellow Kerryman, then Archbishop of Cashel and Emly, Dr Dermot Clifford, in St Mary’s Cathedral on 10 September 1995.

“I was never looking forward to being a bishop. I didn’t apply for the job,” he once revealed.
Bishop Murphy recalled that in 1995 when the was informed by the then Papal Nuncio, Dr Emanuele Gerada, that he was to be appointed, he asked if he could decline but was told that he couldn’t say ‘No’ to the Holy Father.
He was perfect for the role, however, and he was hugely popular with his fellow priests and his flock, due mainly to his gentle and compassionate ways, thought-provoking homilies and for showing a willingness to facilitate and embrace change, if required.
One of Bishop Murphy’s great personal traits was that he has always been upfront and honest with the people when having to confront head-on any difficulties or controversies that arose.
On reaching his 75th birthday in 2011, Bishop Murphy informed the Vatican of his intention to retire and, two years later, in May 2013, he was succeeded by Athlone native Fr Ray Browne.
Still hugely active and an avid walker, the Bishop Emeritus has continued to help out in the parish over the past seven years and he regularly celebrates weekday and weekend Masses in St Mary’s Cathedral.
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