WHAT are your views on pedestrianisation in Killarney? How to you rate the retail offering in and around the town?
Post-Covid, do you expect the frequency of your visits to the shops to change? What kind of new stores would you like to see setting up in town?
You can have your say on these key issues, and many more, by participating in the online Killarney Community Sentiment Survey with the public being asked to share their views on what the town’s infrastructural, commercial and community priorities should be going forward and to comment on what progress has been made.
Opinions on a whole range of issues that could impact on the town’s progress are being sought and the results of the survey, which is completely anonymous, will be analysed by an independent third party to get a full and complete snapshot of local opinion.

Public views on the Safe Streets project, accessibility and the standard of age-friendly and disability parking facilities are among the topics included and respondents will also be asked what way their shopping habits have changed during the pandemic and how they feel Covid-19 will impact on their retail preferences going forward.
An effort will also be made to determine the level of use of facilities in Killarney National Park and how important the facility is to the local people. Views will also be sought on plans to introduce a number of new cycle paths in and around the town.
The opinion of the people will also be requested on issues such as public lighting, signage, litter and refuse and what steps can be taken locally to impact on concerns about climate change.
The survey is being organised by Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce in consultation with Killarney Municipal District Council, and to complete the fully confidential survey, which will take just a few short minutes, click here: