A CARING Killarney teenager is to give up part of her school holidays this summer to help orphans and teens in need on the west coast of Africa.
Hannah Sherry, who attends boarding school in Repton in Derbyshire, learned of the plight of children in Dreamland School in Ghana when its principal visited her school in the UK.
She has been selected to join seven other Repton students, accompanied by three teachers, on a two-week mission to help with class tutoring, to assist with a building and decorating project and to host educational workshops.
Repton students interested in undertaking the voluntary work were interviewed and Hannah was one of just eight chosen to travel in the first two weeks of July.
Dreamland School depends exclusively on donations to fund a campus and living quarters for orphans in the Ashanti region of Ghana. It was founded in 2003 to provide support and assistance to disadvantaged and vulnerable children.
Hannah, 16, is currently fundraising for Dreamland and donations can be made to a special account set up specifically for that purpose. The account details are Hannah Sherry, Bank of Ireland, Killarney, account number 65165754, sort code 90-57-58. All donations will be acknowledged and appreciated.
A fifth year student at Repton, Hannah is the daughter of Paul and Liz Sherry from Brewsterfield in Killarney.
“This is a great opportunity for her and she is really looking forward to it. Although much of their time there will be spent at Dreamland School, they will also travel around to other schools to plan for future projects,” her dad, Paul, told KillarneyToday.com.
A very accomplished musician and a two-time piano category winner in the Killarney Rotary Young Musician of the Year competition, Hannah also performed with acclaimed international pianist Young Choon Park in the Franciscan Friary in Killarney last Christmas.
She will sit her A-levels in the highly-regarded boarding school in Repton next year.
* Donations can be made to Hannah Sherry, Bank of Ireland, Killarney, account number 65165754, sort code 90-57-58.