Kerry County Council has invited applications for the Arts Act Grant, Artist Bursaries and the Youth Theatre Grant Scheme with the view to supporting festivals, groups, events, communities, organisations and schools planning arts activities for 2025.
The grants and bursaries have provided funding opportunities for Kerry-based artists over the years and the council is committed to supporting the arts which is essential for the people and in turn, enriches communities.
Individual artists looking to further develop their practice or continue their arts education are encouraged to apply for the Creative Work Development, Artist in Retreat or Further Arts Education Bursary.
The Eamon Kelly Bursary is open to established artists of all disciplines, from or residing in Killarney Municipal District.
Schools are urged to collaborate with artists and make an application for the Artists in Schools Scheme which is designed to support art projects which foster a connection between local artists, students and teachers, while enriching the school’s artistic and cultural environment.

New for 2025 is for the Youth Theatre Grant which is administered in collaboration with Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership. Not-for-profit companies and organisations with new and established youth theatres are invited to apply.
Arts Officer, Kate Kennelly, said the grants and bursaries not only recognise and support such diverse and talented artists throughout Kerry but they also affirm our commitment to nurturing the arts and creativity in all its forms.

“We fully recognise that funding the arts is an investment in our communities and culture, and we encourage arts organisations, artists, schools and youth theatres to avail of this funding opportunity,” she said.
Applications may be submitted via www.consult.ie/kerrycoco.ie or by contacting Kerry County Council Arts Office on 066-718 3541 email arts@kerrycoco.ie
An information session will be hosted online at 1.00pm on Friday, December 6 to guide individuals, groups, or organisations through the process of submitting applications via consult.ie/kerrycoco.ie. Email arts@kerrycoco.ie to register interest in attending the session.
The closing date for applications is 1.00pm on Wednesday, January 15.
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