Graduates on course for bright future

OVER 100 students who attended daytime and night courses at Killarney Community College have been presented with Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) awards at a ceremony in the school

The certification ceremony saw day students day students graduate in office administration, a full-time Level 5/6 year-long course while night course award recipients had studied either occupational first aid, manual and computerized accounts, special needs assisting and healthcare support.

Killarney Community College’s Director of Adult Education, John Keane, congratulated all the recipients and commended them for their commitment and effort.

Some of the graduates with Director of Adult Education, John Keane (back, fifth from right) and special guest Tom Looney (far right)

He said their achievements greatly represent the college mission statement of Excellence in Learning for Life through Respect, Responsibility and Inclusion.

John congratulated the staff members of the college for the effort they put in over the year and for assisting the students to do so well in their studies.

Special guest to present the awards on the night was Tom Looney, former Director of Adult Education, and in an inspiring speech, he reminded students of the importance of their personal achievement.

Tom commended their dedication and the personal sacrifices many had to make to complete their courses and he stressed e the importance of QQI certification and lifelong learning.

The event ended with light refreshments and an opportunity for students to meet with their peers and tutors.

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