Gold, silver and bronze galore

Kilcummin News
Submitted by John Moriarty

The Ceol an Gheimhridh competition took place at the weekend and the Kilcummin branch enjoyed great success in singing, music and dancing. The prize winners will go forward to represent the county in Munster at the IT Campus, Tralee next February. A big thank you to all who took part, to their trainers and parents and to Shauna O’Leary who was MC.

Winners included Micheal Healy, Ruth Moynihan, Clíodhna Sweeney, Maeve O’Connor, Clíona Doolan, Ellie Finneagan, Arron Buckley, Gavin Cronin, Micheal Healy, Ronan McCarthy, Jack Tangney, Bobbie Keane, Jake Dann, Ronan O’Connor, Robyn O’Sullivan, Ruth Moynihan, Aoibhe O’Sullivan, Lorna O’Sullivan, James Williams, Liam Kerrisk, Gavin Cronin, Caoimhe Lehane, Saoirse Sweeney, Saoirse O’Brien, Kayleigh O’Connor, Caoimhe O’Callaghan, Rebecca O’Leary, Alison Pigott, Áine McSweeney, Emma O’Donoghue and Ciara Foley.

The Moriarty School of Set Dancing enjoyed great success in the county finals which were held at Fossa Community Centre, ending the day with three gold, two silver and one bronze. Their delighted trainer Adrian would like to thank all who participated and a special thanks to their parents for their continued support.

Concert: There will be a Christmas Concert at St Mary’s Cathedral, in aid of Kilcummin National Hall, with Liam Lawton and special guests performing on Sunday, December 17 from 7pm to 9pm. Doors will open at 6pm and tickets are €20.

Tickets are available locally from Kilcummin National School, Kilcummin Post Office, Paddy O’Keeffe’s, Gattabawn and also in Killarney Outlook, High Street and the Cathedral Parish Office. Also online at

Please support this fundraiser to help complete the hall renovations. This facility will be of tremendous benefit to the schools and also to other groups and organisations in the wider community.

Walk: A memorial 5K and 10K Kilcummin walk in memory of Catherine O’Leary and Mary Lynch will take place on Saturday, December 30 at 2pm. The meeting point is the Kilcummin Klub Bar and there will be soup and sandwiches afterwards. All welcome. For further information contact Marie on 085-1571365.

ICA: A craft night will be held on this Wednesday, November 22 at 8pm in the Rural Development Office. All ladies welcome.

Collection: Kilcummin Looking Good will have a clothes collection on the weekend of November 25/26 opposite the Church before and after all three Masses. Please support. No pillows or duvets can be accepted.

Crafts: The Kilcummin Craft Fair will take place on Saturday, December 9 from 6pm to 9pm and Sunday, December 10 from 9am to 12 noon. Raffles on the day will be in aid of the Kilcummin Defibrillator Group.

Bazaar: The Anabla Parents’ Association is holding a Christmas Bazaar at Anabla National School on Sunday, December 3 from 2-5pm. All are welcome.

Prayer: A bus from Kilcummin will travel to a day of prayer at God’s Cottage, Glendalough on Wednesday, November 29. The bus will leave at 7.30am. Contact Teresa on 087-7457750 after 6pm.

Thanks: Kilcummin Comhaltas would like to thank everyone who supported the recent Comhaltas concert in the Club Bar. A special thanks to all our musicians, singers and dancers who showcased their talents and also the parents and trainers.

Scór: Anyone interested in Scór na bPaisti figure dancing, solo singing, music group, ballad group, novelty act, quiz and set dancing please contact Maria O’Leary on 087-4619954.

Draw: Tickets on sale for the GAA club’s annual juvenile Christmas draw and they can be purchased at the club bar and the post office. The draw will take place on Sunday, November 26 at 5pm in the clubhouse. The club will launch its 2018 calendar on the same night as well as hosting a presentation of medals for the year. Please support the club draw to support your club team.

Merchandise: Orders now being taken for GAA club mMerchandise for Christmas. Contact Marie on 087-9181973.

Fixture: The under 16 girls play Currow away at 3pm on November 26.

Night: An information night for A Night at the Oskars will be held in Hotel Killarney on December 5 at 8pm. Professionally directed and produced by Kevin Rowe, this is an open invitation to people from Kilcummin and Glenflesk parishes who would like to play a part and avail of professional coaching in a local production of seven short films to be screened early in 2018. Information is available from Rosie Healy (087- 2072512); Mish O’Donoghue (087-4146901); Niamh Dwyer (087-9801105) and Donal Dwyer (087-2989798).

Lotto: There was no winner of the Kilcummin GAA lotto jackpot when the numbers drawn were 6, 12, 20 and 23. Consolation prizes were €100/; Noreen O’Gorman, Coolick, Kilcummin; €60 each: Frances Moriarty, Dunrine and Joe Collins; €30 each: Aaron O’Leary, c/o Eileen O’Sullivan and Liam O’Leary, c/o Eileen O’Sullivan. The jackpot is now €8,250.

There was no jackpot winner wither in the Mastergeeha FC lotto. The numbers drawn were 1, 9, 11 and 15.  Consolation prizes were €100: Stephen Cahill, c/o The Village Inn; €30 each Liam Fitzgerald, c/o Kilcummin Post Office; Kathleen Cahill, c/o Kilcummin Post Office and Susan and Katie O’Neill, Mastergeeha, Kilcummin. The jackpot is now €3,400. To book Christmas advertising call 087-2229761 or email