Sometimes in life, thankfully not very often, shocking news filters through that actually stops people in their tracks and that was certainly the case in Killarney late on Saturday night when news broke of the passing of Donal O’Grady.
It came as people were filtering out of the general election count centre in Killarney which was familiar territory to the former long-serving councillor who certainly left his mark on the place he called home.
Donal, who was in his 70s, passed away in University Hospital Kerry to where he had been transferred from Cork University Hospital earlier on Saturday after falling ill just a few short weeks ago.
A naïve of Kilcummin, to say he left a lasting legacy in the town he loved would be quite an understatement.

Throughout his life in local politics, Donal always put Killarney first. He loved the town and its people, he worked passionately on their behalf and he achieved so much and helped so many people.
An independent voice on the council, he was always tenacious and stubbornly resolute when representing his people and if he didn’t succeed the first time then he returned to the table time and again in his attempts – often successful – to bring about a change of heart on the part of the decision makers.

Outside of politics, Donal initially worked with the Liebherr Container Cranes company but he gave magnificent service as a firefighter, rising to the position of station officer in Killarney, recruiting and training several members and giving great assistance, support and consolation to victims of fire.
Donal was first elected to Killarney Town Council in 1999, following his late father, John, and brother Seán into politics. He held his seat in every election – topping the poll in 2009 – and he was a very popular and proud Mayor of Killarney in 2010/11. When the town councils were abolished in 2019, he was successful in his campaign to win a seat on Kerry County Council.

His son, Martin, was co-opted on to Kerry County Council when his dad stepped down in 2023 and it was a particularly proud day for Donal when Martin more than comfortably retained the seat in last June’s local elections.
A true champion of the disadvantaged, Donal was a strong voice for the homeless, always highlighting their plight and fighting their corner, and the right to affordable housing was always at the top of his agenda.
One of his long-running campaigns was for the provision of a skate park in Killarney and that dream was realised when it was constructed and opened just as his time in active political life came to a close.

A passionate Killarney Legion and Kerry supporter, he loved his regular trips to Croke Park and always went that extra step to highlight his colours at the big games.
The veteran public representative demonstrated real commitment and made an enormous contribution over many years of faithful service during a long and distinguished career and his decision to step down from politics, after close on a quarter of a century of service, marked a real end of an era.
Donal always put the welfare and the wellbeing of his town and its people first and his was a strong and influential independent voice for the people that voted for him with such consistency and enthusiasm.
He was approachable, courteous, compassionate, willing to listen and always there to offer help and that’s the hallmark of a very effective local politician and a very thorough gentleman.

Donal Grady has done his town and his county some service – of that there is no doubt and his legacy will live on for future generations.
Pre-deceased by his baby son John Christopher, his brothers Michael and Sylvie and his parents, Donal is survived by his partner, Mary, children Joan, Carla, Colin, Michael, Dorothy, Denise, John and Martin, their mother Julia, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, his many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
He is further survived by his brother Séan, sisters Joan, Noreen, Sheila, Mary and Kathleen, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and wide circle of friends.
Reposing at O’Shea’s Funeral Home this Monday from 3.30pm to 6.30pm, the funeral is scheduled to arrive at St Mary’s Cathedral at 10.00am on Tuesday morning for Requiem Mass at 10.30am. Burial will take place afterwards in Aghadoe Lawn Cemetery.
The Requiem Mass will be live streamed on https://www.churchservices.tv/killarneycathedral.
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