Former junior minister sets sights on Europe

Euro hopeful: Marcella Corcoran Kennedy

KERRY MEP Seán Kelly and his Euro colleague Deirdre Clune will have another potential candidate to factor in when Fine Gael holds its selection convention in Clonmel, Co Tipperary on Sunday, March 3.

TD  Marcella Corcoran Kennedy has confirmed her intention to seek a nomination in the Ireland South constituency, insisting that influencing European policies is now as important as domestic policies.

“It is vital that we send experienced politicians to represent our interests in Brussels and Strasbourg. Representation is even more important at this time of change where the EU project will be navigating a new path following the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU,” she said.

“If selected, I will be privileged to join outgoing MEPs Deirdre Clune and Sean Kelly on the Fine Gael ticket for Ireland South,” the former junior minister added.

Fine Gael is hoping to capitalise on the decision to increase the number of seats in the constituency from four to five.

Ms Corcoran Kennedy is currently a TD for Offaly and should she be successful in winning a seat in Europe a by-election would be required to fill her Dáil seat.

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