Flashback Friday

kilcummintelethonKilcummin charity champs dig deep for People in Need

TEN years ago today big-hearted locals in the Killarney parish of Kilcummin were adding the finishing touches to a variety of local fundraising events planned to generate cash for the nationwide People in Need telethon.

The local day care centre was bedecked with festive balloons when charity champs, in specially printed People in Need t-shirts, gathered for an official photo-call to launch their packed programme.

Their efforts helped to raise thousands of euro for worthy local causes.

A decade later, the People in Need initiative is no more but Kilcummin remains a hotbed for great charity work and community activity with several special events held every year to help those less fortunate than themselves.

Many of the children pictured are in their early or late teens now – how many can you recognise?

Image: KT.com library