Festive jumper day a real boost for worthy charity

Event organiser Sarah Keane (seated, front centre) with students from St Brendan’s College, Barraduff National School and St Oliver’s Primary School with the cheque for €9,500 for Kerry Hospice. In front are Josh Bowler, Nicholas Doyle, Conor Doherty and Cillian Cronin with, second row from left, teacher Ciarán Ó Mhuircheartaigh, St Oliver’s NS principal Colm Ó Suilleabháin, Luke Tucker, Drisana Kltowaroo, Kaitlin O’Riordan, Conor Darmody, Annabel Daly, Barraduff National school principal Claire O’Halloran, St Brendan’s College principal Sean Coffey and, back from left, Colin Looney, Tadhg Kissane O’Sullivan and Oisin Fleming.
Pictures: Michelle Cooper Galvin

Students in Killarney were only too happy to oblige in December when they were presented with an opportunity to swap their school uniforms for Christmas jumpers to raise funds for charity – and the teachers and staff were happy to join in the fun.

Sarah Keane of St Brendan’s College, organiser of the Christmas Jumper Day fundraiser in aid of the Kerry Hospice Foundation, presenting the cheque for €9,500 to Pat Doolan Chairman, Angela Curran, Lucy Saunders and Dermot O’Reilly of Kerry Hospice

Principals and students of St Brendan’s College, St Francis’ Special School, Killarney Community College, Barraduff National School, Gaelscoil Faithleann, St Oliver’s Primary School and Presentation Monastary National School participated in the Presents-4-Palliative Christmas jumper day to raise funds for Kerry Hospice.

Their fun day paid off handsomely as the proceeds of €9,500 were presented to Pat Doolan, of Kerry Hospice at the St Brendan’s College, Killarney.

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