Fassbender to play an outlaw

Fassbender: award
Fassbender: new role

MICHAEL Fassbender is to star in a new Irish thriller alongside Brendan Gleeson.

The Fossa man has been snapped up for the lead role in Trespass Against Us which is to be shot this summer.

As well as Gleeson, the heist action movie will also feature Killian Scott, Rory Kinnear and Sean Harris who Fassbender starred with in Prometheus.

The film is based on a family of outlaws who are out of control and in constant conflict with the authorities and Fassbender plays the son of Brendan Gleeson who is the troubled family figurehead.

Fassbender, now firmly established as an A-list celebrity, has just finished shooing Macbeth and will shortly start work on Prometheus 2.