€22.5 million boost to improve our roads

Senator Paul Coghlan: Extreme weather had a major impact on local roads

KERRY County Council has been allocated a total of €22,579, 356 to assist with the repair of regional and local roads in the county.

The funds include over €10 million for restoration improvements, €3.9 million in discretionary grant, over €1 million for the community improvement scheme, €2.2 million for specific improvement grants, €346,000 for bridge rehabilitation, €955,000 for drainage work and €34,000 to be spent on new speed limit works.

In addition to the €200,000 specific improvement grant already announced for Listry Bridge,

€80,000 has been sanctioned for safety improvement works on Rock Road in Killarney, €30,000 for the notorious Ballyfinnane Cross, €75,000 for safety works on the Fossa to Milltown road and €40,000 has been rubber-stamped for pedestrian improvement works at Killarney Tourist Office on Beech Road.

Seanad Leas-Cathaoirleach, Senator Paul Coghlan, said 2019 will see a further significant increase in grant funding. Recent extreme weather events have had a major impact on the regional and local road network and this funding will see essential maintenance and improvements carried out.

“These events, combined with the extended period of reduced funding for road maintenance following the economic downturn, have left the road network much more vulnerable to damage,” he said.

“I know this funding will greatly assist in the repairs and ensure our road network in Kerry is of the highest standard,” Senator Coghlan said.

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