Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
A multi-talented drama group in Killarney, whose members have been treading the boards with considerable aplomb and to rave reviews for years, is embarking on a major new recruitment drive to given new talent its opportunity to shine when the curtain rises on future productions.
Dóchas Drama Group has invited anybody that might be interested to attend the first meeting of the new drama season which will be held at the ANAM Arts and Cultural Centre on East Avenue Road this Wednesday at 8.00pm.
While new and potential actors will be most welcome, the group would love to hear from and meet those who might have an interest in backstage work, costumes, lighting and sound or props and scenery.
Maybe you fancy a chance at penning a production of your own or, perhaps, you just have a love of drama and would love to meet with like-minded people?
It’s an ideal opportunity for those looking for something to do with the longer and darker nights slowly setting in and the Dóchas group members would love to meet new people who can be part of their next production.
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