Dancers step their way into Munster

The Spa set and figure dancers celebrate their double success

Spa News
Submitted by Anne Holland

Congratulations to our figure and set dancing teams who came first in the Kerry County Final. They now progress to represent Kerry in the Munster semi-final on Sunday, December 10 in Ovens at 2.00pm.
Figure dancers: Alice O’Donoghue, Aislinn O’Donovan, Leah Murphy, Ailbhe Gallagher, Erin Holland, Kate Lawlor, Laura O’Carroll and Orlaith Spillane.

Set dancers: Erin Holland, Orlaith Spillane, Meghann Cronin, Siona Moynihan, Liam Spillane, Gary O’Sullivan, Cian O[Sullivan and Eoghan Mulvaney.

Any primary school children (club members) who are interested in participating in the upcoming Scór na bPaistí East Kerry final, please contact Eileen Aherne on 087-9940594.

Anyone interested in taking part in Scór Sinsear in the new year please contact Eileen on 098-9940594.

Event: The club are considering embarking on a new exciting venture in the near future but to finalise the decision it is important to get all members views and opinions. You are invited to a gathering on Sunday, November 26 at 12 noon in the clubhouse. It is very important to get all members to attend this meeting.

Tree: This year Spa GAA will be celebrating Christmas by remembering all that are not with us at this special time. This is not only for people that passed away but also for loved ones that can’t be here with us in Killarney. Lights are €3 each and can be purchased shortly from GAA club members or at the clubhouse. More details to follow.

Lotto: The numbers drawn were 11, 15, 17 and 27. The jackpot was not won. Lucky Dip winners, who received €50 each, were Patrick Courtney, c/o Killarney Oaks Hotel; Arthur Cronin (online); Pat Curran, Woodlawn; Tim Ryan (LCC annual ticket). Monthly Draw: Mary Foran (online). Next week’s draw will be in the Torc Hotel for a jackpot of €11,400.

Nursery: The Spa ABC Nursery continues every Saturday morning at the earlier time of 10am. This is for ABC Nursery and under 6s only as the under 8s are taking a break. This is free and would encourage new members to join to see our fantastic coaches demonstrate their skills to your children in a safe environment.

AGM: The Coiste na nÓg AGM will take place in the clubhouse on Thursday, December 7 at 8pm.

Merchandise: Please contact Mathilda on 087-6487356 for club merchandise. A great gift for Christmas so get your order in now to avoid disappointment.

Rental: For enquiries for meeting room hire and indoor sports hall rental please contact Eileen on 087-6577312 after 6pm. All enquiries for use of the pitch for games or training to be made directly to the secretary, Deirdre, on 087-6332773 or

Alert: A Communty Alert Christmas party and dance will take place on Friday, December 1 at the Torc Hotel. Mass will be at 8pm followed by music with The Two Mikes. There will be plenty of spot prizes and a big raffle. All tickets are €10 and children will be admitted free. Tickets on sale at the door only and a great night is guaranteed.

Deaths: Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the following who passed away recently, Eugie Scannell, Lissivigeen, Anthony O’Sullivan, Ballinamanagh, Breda Foley (nee O’Donoghue), Gullane and late of Lacca, and Joe McCarthy, who died in Cork. May they rest in peace. To book Christmas advertising call 087-2229761 or email