Community spirit to the fore in Kilcummin

Not afraid of hard work: Kilcummin Looking Good Committee members

DESPITE the fact that the annual visit from tidy towns judges is now over for another year, the Kilcummin Looking Good community group is continuing its dedicated work into the winter months and anyone willing to volunteer is more than welcome to support one of the many projects in the pipeline.

The aim is to enhance the physical and social environment of Kilcummin and one of the initiatives introduced is a new community composting project, in conjunction with St John of Gods, in the Millennium Park located in the heart of the village.

“We need help and we’re hoping that if anyone living in the community has unwanted leaves in their garden that they would bag them and leave them inside the gate of the park,“ said committee PRO Sinéad Collins.

The committee is also seeking volunteers to take part in a community litter collection which on this Saturday, November 23. Volunteers can gather in the village at 10.00am and refuse bags will be provided and disposed of so all that is needed is a bit of enthusiasm and community spirit.

Finally, a clothes collection has been organised for this Saturday and the service will be available during and after Mass at 7.30 on Saturday and at 11.30 on Sunday outside the Church.

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