Community gets to the heart of the matter

Making plans for the coffee morning fundraiser are, from left, Paddy Carroll, Derry Healy, Mary O’Donoghue, Padraig O’Sullivan, Paddy O’Donoghue and Geraldine O‘Brien.
Picture: Seamus Healy

A FUNDRAISER to generate support for the purchase of a defibrillator and cabinet for Glenflesk village will take place this Saturday.

The coffee morning will be held in The Kerry Way from 11 o’clock until 1 o’clock and everybody is invited to attend.

A number of locals have got together to spearhead the project and the defibrillator will be located in O’Brien’s shop in the centre of the village, directly opposite St Agatha’s Church.

Defibrillators are already provided at the local GAA field and in nearby Barraduff but locals insist having one readily available in the village would give great reassurance.

There will be music and song – and dance if anybody feels the urge – during the course of the coffee morning fundraiser and children from Glenflesk, Barraduff, Knockanes and Raheen national schools will sing for half hour slots for the entertainment of guests.

Some super prizes will also be raffled on the day and the star prize will be a stunning Mark Eldred painting, worth €1,500. The committee organising th event has extended a word of thanks to Paddy O’Donoghue and to Don in The Kerry Way.

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