‘The collective effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 has been inspiring’

An eerily quiet High Street, Killarney: Tony Holohan said the effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 has been inspiring

FIVE new cases of coronavirus in Kerry brings the total number of people diagnosed in the county to 84 but, on a slightly more positive note, there are two less new cases confirmed today than 24 hours earlier.

Nationally, 17 more patients have died and 331 new cases were confirmed as of 1 o’clock this afternoon.

Of the latest victims, one was from the south, 15 from the east of the country and one from the west. 13 patients were reported as having underlying health conditions and the median age of today’s reported deaths is 77.

Of the latest fatalities, 13 were male and four female.

There have now been 137 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland and the number of confirmed cases has risen to 4,604.

The Health Service Executive is now working to identify any contacts the patients may have had to provide them with information and advice to prevent further spread.

Department of Health Chief Medical Officer, Tony Holohan, remarked: “The nationwide, collective effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 has been inspiring. We must keep up this effort, continue to protect the vulnerable in our society and ultimately flatten the curve.”

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