Gardai in Kerry have been urged to ensure that vehicles brought into the country by Ukrainian refugees over the past two years are roadworthy and insured to drive on local roads.
The matter was raised at a meeting of the Joint Policing Committee by Cllr Martin Grady who noted that Kerry has 12 per cent of the intake of Ukrainians into the country and many have brought their vehicles with them.

He said they are not obliged to pay VRT on the vehicles and a National Car Test is not required.
“We have no guarantee that these vehicles are roadworthy for their own safety and the safety of other road users,” Cllr Grady said.
He said he researched the matter of insurance cover and not all Ukraine insurance policies provide cover in the EU. There is a list available from the Insurance Bureau of Ukraine on what companies provide the cover and those that don’t.
“Frontier Green Card cover can be purchased when entering the EU but this is only available for a maximum of one year. Many of these vehicles are here longer than a year at this stage,” Cllr Grady said.
He asked senior members of the force to take his concerns on board regarding insurance and the roadworthiness of the vehicles.
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