THE Irish language, in all its glory, was in full flow in county buildings when Kerry County Council welcomed Boscó Ó Conchúir, a passionate Irish language advocate, to address staff.
A total of 14 members of the local authority team attended the session and they all thoroughly enjoyed the presentation.
“It was a wonderful opportunity to listen to a native Irish speaker with such beautiful Chorca Dhuibhne Irish,” a spokesperson said.
Included in the picture are Ellen Uí Chaoimh, Ciara Ní Néill, Máiread Uí Mhurchú, Máire Uí Choileán, Mary McCarthy, Bríd Bowler, Siobhán Ní Chonchúir, Nóirín Ní Chaoimh, Carole O’Callaghan, Mary Connolly-Kenny, John Hegarty, Kevin O’Malley, Máire Ní Chonchubhair agus Boscó Ó Conchúir. It’s the talk of the town. To advertise call 087-2229761